Vision Optique
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Ocular Aesthetics Education

Writings by @DrBridgitte

Ocular Aesthetics Education

Dr. Bridgitte Shen Lee of Vision Optique has published and lectured on various Ocular Aesthetics topics. The current popular eye beauty and cosmetics trends are causing various ocular surface complications, and they can lead to the following ocular surface disease if they are not managed properly:meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD, dry eyes, blepharitis, demodex, conjunctivitis, ocular dermatitis and ocular rosacea.

Ocular Aesthetics Column for the Eyecare Business Magazine

1. What is Ocular Aesthetics
March 1, 2018

2. Lash Obsessions
September 1, 2018

3. Eyeing Beauty
October 1, 2019

4. Eyelids, Exfoliation & Expressions
April 1, 2020

Lectures at International Eyecare Conferences

2020 American Academy of Optometry (AAO)
2019 Optometric Management Symposium (OMS)
2019 British Contact Lens Association (BCLA)
2019 SECO International
2018 Optometric Management Symposium (OMS)
2017 Aesthetics Everything Conference

Eyecare Journal Articles and Interviews

Modern Optometry
Managing Ocular Surface Complications from Harmful Eye Beauty Trends
August 1, 2020

Collaborative Eye
Build the Perfect Ocular Aesthetics Team
December 2018

Review of Optometric Business
Add Aesthetic Optometry Services to Your Practice
December 6, 2017

April 2017: Two Video Interviews Explaining Anti-Aging Eye Care
Build Your Team: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M18dOeygFps&list=PLCZORjfh2c-YQliu6r-u1ilCWRuatK62A&index=2

Offer Anti-Aging Eyecare Solutions:

Advanced Ocular Care
Anti-Aging Eyecare and Aesthetics
July/August 2016: featured Cover Focus, article copy available upon request

Local TV & Radio Interviews

April 2018: KPRC2, Eyelash Extension Warning

August 2018, ABC13, Eyelash Extension Risks

September 2018, ABC13 Houston Interview Recording 1

September 2018, ABC13 Houston Interview Recording 2

December 2016 and January 2017: CBS Sports Radio Houston & ToxDoc Dr. Noreen
Series of radio interviews on various Ocular Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Eyecare topics

Written by Dr. Bridgitte Shen Lee

Dr. Bridgitte Shen Lee earned her Doctor of Optometry degree magna cum laude from the University of Houston College of Optometry. She is the co-founder of Vision Optique® and founder of iTravelCE®. Dr. Shen Lee writes and lectures on the topics of Digital Eye Health® , Dry Eye Disease, Anti-Aging Eye Care, Health Care Social Media, and Ocular Aesthetics. She has presented lectures, seminars, and scientific posters globally at the World Council of Optometry, Optometric Management Symposium, SECO International, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), The British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), American Academy of Optometry, and Vision Expo.
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