Vision Optique

Digital Eye Health® in Houston

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Protection & Guidance You Need in a Digitally Connected World

Digital devices have changed and shaped the world that we live in today. Overall, 81% of Americans say they spend time online daily.

Digital devices have made our lives easier by allowing us to source information in the blink of an eye. However, the time we spend on them has created stress on our body and mind from poor usage habits.

Digital Eye Health discussion, education, and solutions are provided with our comprehensive eye exams with every patient. They encompass discussions about blue light protection, digital eye strain prevention, and dry eye symptom solutions.

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Blue Light Education & Solutions

Blue light is a color in the visible light spectrum that is emitted by most light sources in our daily lives. Unlike UV light, which is not visible to the human eye, blue light can be seen from digital devices such as smartphones, computers, and tablets. However, blue light is also emitted from fluorescent light bulbs, LED light, and even the sun.

Light is visible on a spectrum, so not all blue light is harmful. Studies have shown that blue light absorption at night can throw off your circadian rhythm, making it difficult to fall asleep. However, research continues to develop on other effects blue light may have on the body.

Blue-turquoise light is not harmful to the eyes or body and helps to regulate our sleep schedule. Between 25-30% of sunlight is considered blue light, so some blue light absorption can help promote mental clarity and alertness.

Blue-violet light is closer on the visible light spectrum to UV light, which can cause long-term damage to retinal cells. Prolonged exposure to UV light and blue-violet light (from the sun) can lead to the early development of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and other eye conditions.

Further research is needed to determine the potential long-term internal retinal damage from decades of exposure to blue light from digital devices and indoor LED lighting. Unfortunately, we do not have enough evidence-based research information at this time.

At Vision Optique, our doctors are experienced and knowledgeable in discussing visual and ocular discomfort. We can help mitigate secondary symptoms from digital devices, blue light, and internal cataract and macular damage from cumulative exposure to UV and blue light from the sun.

Additionally, we provide effective and evidence-based light management solutions in both glasses and contact lenses, and education on healthy digital habits.

Not all blue light is harmful, so it is crucial to take preventative measures only where necessary. For example, wearing UV blocking sunglasses and sunscreen can protect your eyes and skin from harmful light when spending time outdoors, but there is no need to avoid outside completely. Some studies suggest that not enough exposure to sunlight in children can negatively impact their vision.

The best way to protect your eyes from damage is to schedule annual comprehensive eye exams to discuss your lifestyle, digital habits, visual discomfort, dry eye symptoms, and overall ocular health.

If you have symptoms of dry eye, or experience discomfort from glare and light sensitivity, wearing glasses or contact lenses with medical-grade blue light protection can help reduce and prevent symptoms.

For patients with a family history of macular degeneration and early signs of macular pigment changes, our doctors will discuss lifestyle, diet changes, nutritional supplements, and the appropriate eyewear protection.

Doctors at Vision Optique specialize in both identifying potential problems and providing solutions. We want to help our patients enjoy a better quality of life and clear, comfortable visual health.

Digital Eye Strain (DES)

Although there is no proven research that the blue light emitted from digital devices can harm your internal retina, the way we use them and the amount of time we spend on them can cause significant visual and ocular discomfort. Tired eyes, fatigue, and dry eyes after using digital devices are commonly referred to as digital eye strain (DES).

Digital eye strain refers to the combined eye and vision problems that result from prolonged digital device use. Typically, symptoms of digital eye strain include:

  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches
  • Distorted or blurred vision
  • Fluctuating vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Overly watery eyes
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Fatigue

It is essential to be aware of your usage habits to prevent digital eye strain. Your visual health, where you use your digital devices, and positioning all play a significant role in avoiding discomfort and fatigue.

Most symptoms of digital eye strain are exacerbated by:

  • Uncorrected vision or focusing problems
  • Improper viewing distances or holding digital devices too close to the eyes
  • Using digital devices for too long
  • Glare on the screen
  • Poor posture
  • Poor lighting
  • Multiple digital screens simultaneously

Staying aware of your symptoms, practicing healthy digital habits, and maintaining good eye health is the first step in preserving excellent vision. Annual comprehensive eye exams can help to monitor and address any changes in your ocular health and vision.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of digital eye strain, it is important to discuss them during your annual eye exam and to obtain solutions, in order to reduce and prevent any further discomfort.

Refractive Errors

The first step in avoiding eye strain is to ensure you are treating refractive errors. If your vision is blurred or distorted, you should schedule a comprehensive eye exam to see if glasses may be helpful. Uncorrected vision and focusing problems can cause your eyes to work harder than they need to, causing headaches and fatigue.

Body Positioning

Ensure you are using your devices in a comfortable, upright position. If you are working on a computer for a prolonged period, be sure you are sitting with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor.

Additionally, the natural position to use a computer is to gaze slightly downward with the screen about an arm’s length away from the eyes. Keep the area you are working in well-lit, and if possible, try to angle your screen to avoid any glare as much as possible.

20-20-20 & Blink Rule

One of the best things to remember is to give yourself and your eyes adequate breaks. Similar to getting up and stretching your legs after sitting down for a long time, give your eyes regular chances to refocus and readjust.

The 20-20-20 rule says for every 20 minutes of consecutive screen time, take 20 seconds to focus on something 20 feet away. This gives your eyes a much-needed break and can help reduce any associated eye strain from looking at screens for too long.

We also teach our patients to blink properly and fully during the 20-20-20 rule to prevent dry eye symptoms.

Glasses, Contact Lens, & Dry Eye Solutions

We help identify factors causing DES symptoms and offer effective solutions.

For glasses, we often discuss “anti-fatigue” lens designs to reduce focusing or eye fatigue. It can be a single-vision computer or workstation prescription, or it can be some form of additional magnification or progressive design. Each prescription is customized to each patient’s visual and occupational needs.

For lens treatments, we routinely discuss “light management” lens treatment options including anti-glare, medical-grade blue light protection, contrast or night driving enhancement, and UV protection.

For contact lens solutions, we firmly believe the 1-day disposable contact lens modality is the healthiest and the most convenient option for our patients. Vision Optique is a leading and well-respected contact lens practice in the USA!

For the past 2 decades, our patients take pride in being among the first in the country to experience any new technology and innovation in contact lenses. We have one of the most comprehensive diagnostic trial contact lens banks in the country.

The majority of our patients with high prescriptions, astigmatism, and presbyopia can be fitted on the same day of contact lens exam.

To help prevent dry eye symptoms from our digitally connected lifestyle, we screen every patient with a detailed lifestyle case history and a meibomian gland assessment during the annual eye exam.

Effective solutions and treatment are provided based on your symptoms and ocular health findings. Vision Optique is also a leading Dry Eye Center where many of the ocular surface disease diagnostic tools and treatment innovations are first introduced.

One of our founding doctors, Dr. Bridgitte Shen Lee, is an active educator in eye care. She lectures globally on the topics of dry eye disease, contact lens, digital eye health and ocular aesthetics.

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Our Services

Where to Find Us


We are conveniently located at 5158 Buffalo Speedway near the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Westpark Drive, in the Kroger Shopping Center.

Our Address

5158 Buffalo Speedway
Houston, TX 77005

Contact Information

Phone: 713-838-2020
[email protected]

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM4:30 PM
8:00 AM2:00 PM

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