Vision Optique

Myopia Management in Houston

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Take Control of Your Child’s Myopia

Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, is rising among children.  The eyes of a child with myopia become longer over time (axial length of the eye), causing distant objects to appear blurry. If not managed properly, myopia often worsens as the child gets older.

High myopia affects quality of life and may contribute to more severe sight-threatening complications in life, including retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Myopia management provides the opportunity for clear vision and the potential to slow progression of the axial length of the eye.

At Vision Optique, our experienced doctors follow the latest evidence-based myopia management treatments. Our doctors also conduct FDA clinical trials for future treatment options.

Following an initial consultation visit (virtual or in-person) with both parents and patient, our team will review the examination process, selection of treatment strategies, identified risks, and guidelines for ongoing management.

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Call 713-838-2020 or email info@visionoptique.com to schedule an appointment. Our experienced doctors will help you find the best treatment options to manage your child’s myopia progression.

Myopia Management Discussion & Treatment

At Vision Optique, our experienced doctors follow the latest evidence-based myopia management treatment options. An initial consultation visit (virtual or in-person) is recommended with both parents and the patient. A detailed discussion is conducted, it includes risk factor identification, the examination process, selection of treatment strategies and guidelines for ongoing management.

Call 713-838-2020 or email 2020@visionoptique.com if you are interested in scheduling a consultation visit for your child.

Our treatment options include:

MiSight® 1 day is the first and only FDA-approved soft contact lens to slow the progression of myopia in children ages 8 -12 at the initiation of treatment. Over a 3-year period, MiSight® 1 day slowed myopia progression by 59% on average and reduced eye lengthening by 52% on average. 41% of eyes had no progression. Over a 6-year period, children wearing MiSight® 1 day progressed less than 1.00D on average.

Vision Optique is among the first certified MiSight® medical practices, and has been prescribing MiSight® since early 2020.

Orthokeratology is the use of specially designed rigid gas-permeable contact lenses to gently reshape the cornea. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive, and reversible technique used to slow the progression of myopia. This treatment can be compared to braces for your teeth because it reshapes the eye’s surface, creating clear vision. The effects are temporary, and you will need to wear a retainer contact lens nightly to maintain good vision.
The lenses are worn overnight during sleep, flattening the center of the cornea to change how light is bent as it enters the eye. Once the lenses are removed in the morning, the slight change in the curvature of the corneal surface results in clear vision during waking hours, thus eliminating the need of daytime contact lenses or glasses.
ACUVUE® Abiliti™ (Johnson & Johnson Vision) Overnight Therapeutic Lens is new, and it is the first and only FDA-approved orthokeratology contact lens for myopia management.

Paragon CRT® and CRT Dual-Axis® (CooperVision Specialty EyeCare) Ortho-K lenses are FDA approved for overnight wear. Paragon CRT® lenses are among the most commonly prescribed, and they have worked well for Vision Optique’s young patients.

These therapeutic lenses are worn while children sleep, enabling them to enjoy clear and comfortable vision during the day without any glasses or contact lenses.

Topical low-dose atropine is an emerging therapy for myopia management. Several well-controlled clinical trials (e.g. LAMP phase 2, ATOM1 and ATOM2) have been published. Studies show that low-dose atropine eye drops administered at bedtime can slow the progression of myopia in children.

They have worked well for Vision Optique’s young patients. Schedule an appointment with our doctors to discuss this treatment option for your child.

Our doctors are conducting a multi-year FDA clinical trial on this technology. Currently, there is no FDA-approved ophthalmic lens in the United States.

Bifocal or multifocal eyeglasses have varying degrees of lens power in each lens, typically with the lower half of the lens for near vision and the top for distance. It has been suggested that making it easier for the eyes to adjust between near and far distances, referred to as an accommodative response, can help to slow the progression of myopia.

Studies have shown that an average of 90 minutes of daily outdoor play time can help slow down the onset of myopia development.

Media is everywhere. TV, Internet and video games all compete for children’s attention in addition to digital school learning. American Academy of Pediatrics has an excellent information page that includes evidenced-based research and other resources on healthy digital habits. The World Health Organization provides a guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep for children under 5 years of age.

Links to both resources are listed in our “Links to FDA-Approved Myopia Management Treatments and Published Clinical Trials Results” page

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Our Services

Where to Find Us


We are conveniently located at 2900 Weslayan Street, near the corner of Weslayan and West Alabama (across from Davanti Restaurant and APTEEK Pharmacy). We are on the first floor of a tall black building.

Parking spaces have been reserved for our patients at the front of the building. Additional parking is also available in the adjacent parking garage.

Our Address

2900 Weslayan Street, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77027

Contact Information

Phone: 713-838-2020

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM4:30 PM
8:00 AM2:00 PM
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