Vision Optique

Meet Dr. Huynh

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About Dr. Christina Huynh

Dr. Christina Huynh is a licensed therapeutic optometrist who specializes in primary eye health and vision care, specialty contact lens, ortho-K and myopia management. She graduated from Houston Baptist University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biochemistry Molecular Biology.  She earned her Doctor of Optometry degree from the Kentucky College of Optometry in Pikeville, Kentucky. Following graduation, she completed a residency with an emphasis in Ocular Disease at the Hershel “Woody” Williams VA Medical Center in Huntington, West Virginia.


Dr. Huynh has been affiliated with the field of optometry since 2002, where she worked as an optometric assistant prior to her doctorate education. During her time in optometry school, Dr. Huynh served as Student Ambassador for the university and as President of the Cornea and Contact Lens Society. Her most fulfilling experiences were in volunteering on two international medical mission trips and locally with Remote Area Medical clinics where she provided eye care to underserved communities.

Dr. Huynh is a native Houstonian, when she is not at work, she enjoys playing piano at her church and spending time with her extended family.

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