Vision Optique

Contact Lenses in Houston

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Comfort & Clarity Without the Bulk

Contact lenses are small high-tech plastic membranes worn directly on the eye’s surface to provide crisp, clear vision. Over 45 million Americans use contact lenses as their primary way to improve vision. New innovations in material and design have made contact lenses more comfortable and easier to wear than ever before, making it an easy choice for individuals that require vision correction.

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Contact Lens Fittings & Diagnostic Tests

At Vision Optique, we perform a comprehensive eye examination in addition to a custom contact lens diagnostic evaluation to ensure the best contact lens fit for you. The diagnostic tests below are performed on every contact lens patient:

Corneal topography is a tool used to characterize the surface of the cornea. In a similar way to how a mountain is marked on a topographic map, this tool allows us to see irregularities on your cornea, such as keratoconus, that may require specialty lenses.

Corneal topography can also detect astigmatism, which may make standard contact lens wear uncomfortable. This diagnostic tool helps us see what size and style of contact lens will fit best on your eye and give you the clearest vision.

Contact lenses rest in the tear film that covers the eye’s surface, and they are kept lubricated with your tears with each blink. LipiView is a diagnostic tool used to evaluate the tear film’s lipid layer thickness (LLT). Additionally, the test measured how often you blink and the quality of each blink.

Additionally, it takes an image of your meibomian glands. Meibomian glands are responsible for producing the lipid layer of your tear film, which prevents the watery part of your tear from evaporating.

If we discover that your tear film is inadequate, we may need to refer you to our dry eye center for further testing and treatment. Dry eye can cause contact lens wear to be uncomfortable and may even damage your eyes if left untreated.

Common Contact Lenses

The most common types of contact lenses are soft and rigid gas-permeable (RGP). Different kinds of plastics allow for a different style and fit, which may suit different types of eyes.

Soft contact lenses are the most common type of contact lens. They are made from a flexible silicone hydrogel, which allows the lens to form to the cornea’s shape. These contact lenses are the easiest to adjust to for new wearers.

Most soft contact lenses are disposable. We recommend 1-day disposable contact lenses because they are the healthiest and the most convenient option. We do prescribe other modalities if patient’s prescriptions are outside of the 1-day disposable contact lens range. These lenses are worn during the day, removed before sleep, and discarded after each day’s use.

Rigid gas-permeable lenses are made of a combination of silicone plastics that allow oxygen to pass through. They are typically smaller than soft contact lenses and retain their shape on the eye.

As RGP lenses hold their shape, they may take longer to get used to for new wearers. However, they may be a better option for individuals with high astigmatism prescriptions or uneven corneas as they create a smooth surface for light to refract through and obtain the best possible vision correction.

Associated Fees

Prices after vision plans may vary depending on your provider, so we recommend giving us a call or email info@visionoptique.com if you have any questions or concerns.

Contact Lens Exam Fees Explained

This fee covers the extra tests performed by the doctor along with any necessary follow-up visits and trial lenses. These procedures are only done on patients that wear contacts; it is in addition to the services provided during the annual eye exam.

Insurance companies view most contact lenses as elective vision correction and generally offer a discount towards the contact fitting fee. In rare occasions, insurance companies may consider contacts as medically necessary and cover a portion or all of a contact fitting, such as those for patients with conditions like keratoconus. Most insurance companies take the position that if your vision can be corrected with glasses, then contacts are not medically necessary and therefore are not covered as extensively as glasses and your annual eye exam. If you believe that should change, then we urge you to contact your insurance company and discuss the matter with them.

There are different levels of charges based on several factors. You may view a full list of our annual eye exam and contact lens fitting charges here. We are more than happy to discuss the full range of prices up front with any patient based on previous contact lens history and what the patient desires to use going forward. The doctor can only determine the exact level of the fitting after completing the exam, because that is when all of the patient’s needs have been assessed. Those factors include:

  •  The complexity of the fit: Many options for vision correction exist and have varying levels of complexity in order to determine the optimal Rx. These options include spherical lenses (what many patients are most familiar with), toric lenses for astigmatism, monovision, and bifocal lenses.
  • Patient’s ocular health: The condition of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, and tear film all affect the optimal contact lens material, shape, and care. Even your general health and any conditions you might have can affect ocular health; these must be taken into consideration as well.
  • History of previous eye surgeries or injuries: corneal irregularities or eye sensitivity can be brought on by eye surgeries or injuries. In these cases more care may be required in order to prevent irritation or complications.
  • New patient vs. established patient: New patients require longer appointments, because there is more history to collect and options to discuss. Established patients pay a lower fee; our doctors have a previous knowledge of the patient and any conditions they might have, which makes the process quicker.

How to Care for Your Contacts

Contact lenses can provide freedom and flexibility in the form of vision correction. However, they are still considered a medical device and should be handled with care. Improper contact lens care can lead to eye damage and infection.

The American Optometric Association recommends that you follow these guidelines when handling your contact lenses:

The guidelines below follow the American Optometric Association’s recommendation and our doctors’ expert experience:

  • Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap and dry them thoroughly before handling your lenses.
  • Before inserting your contact lens, ensure it is free from nicks or tears and debris-free.
  • Do not sleep, swim, or shower in your contact lens
  • Throw away your 1-day disposable contact lenses into the trash can at the end of the day. Do not dispose of them in the shower, down the sink drain, or the toilet. They are microplastics and will contaminate our water source.
  • If you are using non-daily disposable contact lenses, always use fresh contact lens disinfection solution to clean, disinfect, and store your contact lenses.
  • Replace your contact lens case every time you purchase a new bottle of solution, or every 1-2 months (whichever comes first).
  • Never clean or handle your soft contact lenses with water.
  • If your contact lenses feel uncomfortable or your eyes become irritated, remove your contact lenses and visit your optometrist.
  • Attend annual comprehensive eye exams to monitor any changes in your vision or eye health and keep your prescription up-to-date.

At Vision Optique, we are experts in helping you find the right contact lenses that best fit your vision needs and lifestyle.

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs.

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Bausch + Lomb

Bausch + Lomb is one of the best-known and most respected healthcare brands globally, offering the widest and finest range of eye health products including contact lenses and lens care products, pharmaceuticals, intraocular lenses, and other eye surgery products.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There’s much more to our story than that, however. You’ll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate, we listen, and we enjoy what we do.

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Johnson & Johnson

As a primary resource to optometrists and eye care professionals, Johnson & Johnson aims to make the world a better place by providing health solutions for everyone. Explore well-known, trusted products with a brand responsible for improving daily lives.

Our Services

Where to Find Us


We are conveniently located at 2900 Weslayan Street, near the corner of Weslayan and West Alabama (across from Davanti Restaurant and APTEEK Pharmacy). We are on the first floor of a tall black building.

Parking spaces have been reserved for our patients at the front of the building. Additional parking is also available in the adjacent parking garage.

Our Address

2900 Weslayan Street, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77027

Contact Information

Phone: 713-838-2020

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM5:30 PM
8:30 AM4:30 PM
8:00 AM2:00 PM
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