Vision Optique
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Writings by @DrBridgitte

OptiLight by Lumenis, A Bright Solution for Dry Eyes 

Houston, TX, February 4th–Vision Optique announced the expansion of their dry eye management options to include OptiLight by Lumenis, a light-based treatment.

Dry eye is a common disease, with up to 49 million suffering from it in the US alone. This disease can have a significant impact on quality of life, leading to a foreign body sensation in the eyes, pain, blurry vision, and dry or watery eyes.  

OptiLight by Lumenis is a light-based, non-invasive treatment done in the area around  the eyes that addresses several key factors in dry eye disease: inflammation and meibomian gland functionality. It is the first and only IPL approved by FDA  to treat dry eye disease.  

One OptiLight treatment takes approximately 10–15 minutes. The non-invasive treatment is safe, gentle, and effective with no downtime, typically allowing the patient to return to their daily activities after the appointment.  

Our doctors are among the most experienced dry eye educators and experts in the world, and we have been providing IPL (Lumenis) dry eye treatment for our patients since early 2019.  

Our Dry Eye Center follows an evidence-based treatment protocol. We specialize in identifying and treating the root causes of your Dry Eye Disease using the most advanced technology. Come see the doctors at Vision Optique to design a personalized treatment plan just for you.

If you would like more information on Vision Optiques dry eye solutions, please call  713-804-6575  or email [email protected].

Written by Dr. Bridgitte Shen Lee

Dr. Bridgitte Shen Lee earned her Doctor of Optometry degree magna cum laude from the University of Houston College of Optometry. She is the co-founder of Vision Optique® and founder of iTravelCE®. Dr. Shen Lee writes and lectures on the topics of Digital Eye Health® , Dry Eye Disease, Anti-Aging Eye Care, Health Care Social Media, and Ocular Aesthetics. She has presented lectures, seminars, and scientific posters globally at the World Council of Optometry, Optometric Management Symposium, SECO International, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), The British Contact Lens Association (BCLA), American Academy of Optometry, and Vision Expo.
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